Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Training update

I've started my season of coaching 8 yr old allstar baseball, and I love doing it. Seeing kids improve and hopefully develop a love of baseball is one of the most rewarding experiences I've had. It does make it more difficult to work in training time when I have to be half hour away from the gym for 2 hours after work. So I have to work out in the times I can as much as possible, as well as get creative. Monday I went to our high school track at home before practice and ran. I ran some 400m, and timed myself at 1:26. Its not great, but I was happy to know I could break 1:30. At our gym I'm happy with 2:00 because it involves going up and down stairs, and wanted to see what it would be at a normal 400m. Then I ran 10 100m sprints with 60s rest between each effort. I think next time I will shorten breaks, but this allowed me to fully recover for each effort. I can't beleive how sore I am 2 days after, and know this is a capacity I need to continue to improve.

Tuesday was a regular workout at the gym with 30-20-10 of single handed overhead kettlebell squats and box jumps. It sucked!! Today was an off day as I had a practice. I ate terribly today with subway sandwiches as 2 meals, and feel like I'm slipping a little. Mark of Marks daily apple has a concept called the 80/20 rule which says that if you do healthy things 80% of the time you will get most of the benefit from it. This is a great concept as long as it is really 80/20, not 70/30 or 50/50. I personally would like to see myself eat well 95% of the time and then if I slip, I can stay inside that 80% zone.

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